What’s New With Said?

Hey Gang,

I know I don’t really keep up with this thing regularly. Sowwy. I mostly focus my energy on writing and trying to get published. Also, survival takes a lot of energy. Good news: I have some new stuff out. First, 3 poems in Issue 24 of 580 Split Magazine: CLICK HERE. Second, a new essay in Entropy Magazine: CLICK HERE.

I have some other stuff in the pipeline (grateful!) so please do check the PUBLISHINGS tab on this website regularly. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot: the Muslim American Writers at Home Anthology is finally out. Be sure to get your copy HERE so you can read my essay in there, “On What It Means to Be Somelican.” All the other writers in that anthology are amazing, and I feel honored to share space with them.

Oh! And my book is coming out very, very soon, Insha Allah. I’ll try and make a post promoting the opening ceremony, if I can remember. Chances are I won’t, because my memory is terrible. But if I don’t forget, I’ll be sure to post here.

Wishing you all the best!

Said Not A Therapist But A Good Listener

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